
Jumat, 31 Maret 2017

My Planning After Graduated

Helo, my name is Kiki Alexander. You can call me Kiki. I am 22 years old. I am a college student major in management faculty of economics gunadarma university. After finished my lecture I have a plan. What is plan? my plan is open a automotive shop. I will sell everything about automotive. The reasons why I open shop is because i am so interested about automotive and my father has a shop too. my father's shop selling cars oil and tires car. so many brands in my father's shop, like Top1, Repsol, Pertamina, dunlop, etc. that's why i am so interested to open my shop after i finished my college. when i will start it? i will start my business after i graduated from my college. my first stage is continues my father's shop but may be i will focus on tire shop and my father focus on his car's oil shop. and then i want my tire shop grow up to be automotive shop. how? i will learn everything about tire, because my knowledge about tire is a little bit. after that, i hope my business can grow up to be big aftar my tires shop to be automotive shop, i will move to a good place for my automotive shop. where? i dont know right now, but the place must be the best for my bussiness, because i know, the bussiness depending on the location. who will lead my business? i am, because a business will be better if the owner join to his business, and my father too, because i still need his guidance. i hope my dream come true. sorry for my bad english, because I am still learning :)

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